Tuesday, November 4, 2008

26 Months Logged In

26 Down
? To Go

I'm so tired of waiting.
I just want to be a mom.
Now, there are rumors that the CCAA only did 2 days worth of referrals???
That sucks.


Pug Mama said...

Happy 26 months!!
I agree, 2 days will suck for those of us still waiting.

Polar Bear said...

Congrats on 26 Done!
Two days? Why? Your'e right ~ That sucks!!!

Special K said...

I agree... it sucks.
But at least you're 26 mths closer.

C's Mom said...

Twenty-six less to go...each one a hair closer.

Yes, I agree, 2 days both sucks AND blows.

Alyson and Ford said...

So sorry... we wish for more referrals too! We want babies for all 2006 LIDer's!
